Friday, July 10, 2015

Raspberry Gastrique

After making raspberry sauce, jam, and red wine vinegar, I had about a quart of raspberries left.  Most were overripe, which doesn't make for good jam (the fruit can end up fermenting), and I wanted to try something else new.  I was looking through Put 'em Up! FRUIT and found a recipe for blackberry gastrique.  Gastrique is a sauce that the book recommends you put on lamb chops, pork, steak, or even just vegetables. 

I decided to substitute the raspberries for blackberries. This recipe is very similar to the red wine vinegar recipe, except it requires a lot of sugar that is made into a caramel before the red wine vinegar is added.  It's also an easy recipe, as you don't even stir (stirring caramel would result in crystallization). 

First, you put the sugar in with some water to boil until it starts to turn brown.

Add the red wine vinegar.

Add the raspberries and boil for a while.


Process for 10 minutes!

If you want more details about the recipe, go buy Put 'em Up! FRUIT.  It's my favorite recipe book.  I can't wait to try this out.  It smells just as amazing as the raspberry red wine vinegar.  I think we're going to have to try out the Scottadito with Berry Gastrique recipe that's in the book.

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